Uniform Policy/Cell Phone Policy

Professional Uniform / Uniforme Profesional

KHSA Uniform Options

KHSA light blue polo shirt (Shirts can be purchased at KHSA for $16. See above for dates.)
Light blue polo shirt (from any store)
Black pants or knee-length skirt (no rips, no yoga pants, no tights) (from any store)
KHSA t-shirts (KHSA gym shirt, KHSA jerseys, KHSA pride shirts or plain black shirts)
KHSA scrubs
Closed-toed shoes (flip-flops and crocs not permitted)

Uniform Note: Not Permitted Items

Flip-flops, crocs, open-toed shoes
Hats or non-religious head-coverings (ski masks)
Ripped clothing or clothing with negative messaging
Hoods (You can wear your hoodie, but the hood must be down)

Cell Phone Pouches

You may not bring your cell phone to school unless you rent a phone pouch from KHSA. (Phone pouches can be rented at KHSA for $28. KHSA does NOT profit from phone pouches. See above for dates).